Summary of the Event:

On the night of April 14, 2024, reports emerged that Iran initiated an intense and unexpected attack on Israel. Following the seizure of an Israeli cargo ship by Iran earlier in the day, the attack was launched using hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and missiles. The Israeli Defense Forces reported that they managed to neutralize a large part of the assault and sustained only limited damage.

Background of the Attack:

This Iranian assault is said to be a response to an Israeli missile strike on April 1 on Syria, which resulted in the deaths of several high-ranking members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Iran views this incident as a casus belli and justifies its retaliatory action as self-defense.

Details of the Attack and Israel’s Defense Response:

Iran employed over 200 UAVs and missiles in the attack, predominantly utilizing kamikaze drones and cruise missiles. Israel, with support from the USA, substantially intercepted this assault, causing only minor damage at a military base. According to Israeli Army Spokesperson Daniel Hagari, Israel’s defense systems and allies effectively defended against the attack.

Why Were UAVs Used Instead of Ballistic Missiles?

Iran’s choice to use UAVs instead of ballistic missiles suggests an intention to keep the attack at a symbolic level. This is interpreted as an attempt to conduct a controlled, non-escalatory strike.

International Impacts and Market Reactions:

The attack significantly impacted the cryptocurrency markets. The value of Bitcoin fell by 7%, while the global cryptocurrency market’s total value decreased by 6.22%. Analysts predict that if the conflict remains contained to the events of last night, there should not be a major negative atmosphere in the markets when they reopen.

Expectations for the Future:

The USA and other international players are expected to seek a diplomatic resolution to the tension between Iran and Israel. President Joe Biden plans to discuss a joint diplomatic response with G-7 leaders, highlighting the push for international diplomacy.


This event marks a new escalation in the ongoing tension between Iran and Israel. However, interventions and the responses from the international community indicate that such incidents can be managed without escalating into a full-scale conflict. The actions of the involved parties and the international community in the coming period will be crucial for peace and stability in the region.

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