Are you ready to escape the hustle of Istanbul and immerse yourself in the tranquil embrace of Kinaliada and Burgazada, the jewels of the Marmara Sea? Spring’s fresh breath awaits you on these islands. Exploring two islands in a single day means stepping away from the monotony of city life into the serene realms of history and nature. Here’s a guide on how to discover these two islands!

Kinaliada: A Historical Start

Our journey begins in Kinaliada. We board the 08:40 ferry from Kabataş to the island. As soon as you set foot on Kinaliada, its tranquil atmosphere envelops you. You’ll witness historical textures like the Hristos Monastery, known for the exile stories of Romanos Diogenes. The Panaya Greek Orthodox Church and the Surp Krikor Lusavorich Armenian Church are among other stops that reflect the island’s spirit. We savor the peaceful scenery with a tea break at Çınaraltı, and then catch a ferry to Burgazada.

Burgazada: In the Footsteps of Nature and Literature

Upon arriving at Burgazada, our first stop is the Sait Faik Museum. Closed on weekends, this museum holds many details about the famous writer’s life. The Aya Yani Church and the Burgazada Mosque represent the island’s religious diversity. After a lunch break, a walk to the island’s summit offers unforgettable photos with spectacular views.

Optional Extra: Kalpazankaya and Sunset

If you have the energy and time, a 20-25 minute walk to Kalpazankaya to witness the mesmerizing sunset is highly recommended. The sunset at these rare tranquil spots of Istanbul is truly a sight to behold.

In short, your day in Kinaliada and Burgazada will reveal a different facet of Istanbul. These islands, where history, nature, and culture intertwine, don a special charm during the spring. They offer a peaceful and tranquil escape from the city’s noise. Kinaliada and Burgazada are just a ferry ride away for a serene and memorable day!

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