Revolution in liver tumor treatment: Dicle University uses radioactive particles to shrink tumors! Innovative treatment prepares patients for transplant without surgery.

DIYARBAKIR – Dicle University Medical Faculty has pioneered a groundbreaking method in the treatment of liver tumors. The Interventional Radiology Unit is utilizing radioactive radiation-emitting particles to shrink liver tumors. This innovative treatment cuts off the nutrient supply to the tumors, thereby reducing their size and preparing patients for liver transplantation.

Innovative Approach to Liver Tumors

Liver tumors, often resulting from conditions like hepatitis B, are among the types of cancer treated at Dicle University. The Transarterial Radioembolization (TARE) procedure employed here administers radioactive radiation particles directly into the tumor via the vascular system. This method is based on the principle of closing the vessels that feed the tumor, offering patients the possibility of tumor reduction without the risks associated with surgery.

Effects and Applications of the Treatment

This treatment method is particularly a beacon of hope for patients who are not eligible for surgery. It has the potential to be applied to other types of tumors, including intestinal and breast cancer. Practitioners at Dicle University prefer this treatment for liver tumors that are 5 centimeters in size or larger. If the treatment process successfully reduces the tumor, patients can become eligible for liver transplantation.

Expert Opinions

Associate Professor Dr. Muhammed Akif Deniz and Dr. Mehmet Turmak assert that this method has initiated a new era in liver cancer treatment. The method has positive effects on the quality of life of the patients and stands out as one of the pioneering efforts at Dicle University.

In Summary

The innovative treatment method at Dicle University offers a new ray of hope for patients with liver tumors. Garnering significant interest both locally and nationally, this method is a noteworthy addition to the evolving medical practices. With further advancements and broader clinical applications, the effectiveness and scope of this method could be further enhanced.

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