DISCOVER THE SPRING AT THE 13TH ALAÇATI HERB FESTIVAL: April 18-21 Awaits You with the Aegean’s Special Flavors and Natural Beauties! Over 125 Herb Varieties, Colorful Events, and a Feast of Flavors!


From April 18 to 21, 2024, the 13th Alaçatı Herb Festival invites you to discover Turkey’s natural beauties and rich culinary culture. The festival, adorned with more than 125 varieties of herbs, offers not only taste experiences but also sheds light on healthy living and natural nutrition. Here are a few unique tastes and experiences you will discover in this paradise corner of the Aegean:

Festival Offering Unforgettable Experiences to Visitors

  • Variety of Herbs and Dishes: Organized by the Izmir, Çeşme Municipality, the festival presents hundreds of herb varieties grown in the Aegean region. Alongside fresh herbs and vegetables, the festival also showcases the richness of the Aegean cuisine with homemade jams, pastes, and mezes.
  • Interesting Workshops and Events: Cooking tastings and workshops are organized at the festival. Additionally, recipes and tips for the products sold at various stands are shared with visitors.
  • Culture and Fun Together: The festival, enriched with cooking contests, concerts, and various workshops, also features stands selling local handcrafted products.
  • Natural and Organic Products: Ideal for vegans and vegetarians, the festival emphasizes natural and organic products, offering secrets of healthy living.

A Gastronomic Feast in Alaçatı’s Colorful Streets

During the festival, Alaçatı’s vibrant streets turn into a culinary heaven. One of the festival’s highlights is its expansion throughout Alaçatı, allowing visitors to explore different restaurants, hotels, and cafes for a true cultural tourism experience.

A Rich Palette of Flavors

  • Unique dishes prepared with herb varieties like Arapsaçı (wild fennel) and Sıralık.
  • Salads and dishes made with the earthy sprouts of cabbages, like Cibes and Cibezin.
  • Koyungözü, Alagömeç, or Dağlama, essential herbs for mixed herb sautés and salads.
  • Deniz Börülcesi, a coastal herb with a salty and sour taste.

Experiences Offered by the Festival

  • Alaçatı’s colorful streets overflow with fun and educational activities throughout the festival.
  • Workshops, tasting events, and stands selling local dishes.
  • A cultural feast filled with competitions, concerts, and various workshops.
  • Outdoor activities like walking in nature and collecting wild herbs.

A Favorite Among Gourmets

  • The food festival showcases the finest tastes and herb dishes of the Aegean cuisine.
  • Catering to vegans and vegetarians, the festival offers a rich menu of natural and organic products.
  • Discover a real cultural tourism experience while exploring different restaurants, hotels, and cafes in Alaçatı’s streets.

Discover the Freshness of Spring This festival offers an opportunity to experience not only the flavors but also the richness and natural beauty of the Aegean. The 13th Alaçatı Herb Festival, like every year, will provide unforgettable moments for its guests. Alaçatı Herb Festival is waiting for you as a spring feast where taste, health, and culture meet, dazzling with its natural beauty.


Turkey, with its rich and diverse natural flora, is one of the world’s paradise corners. One of the most special places of this richness is Alaçatı in İzmir’s Çeşme district. Adorned with over 125 herb varieties, this region is a veritable herb paradise, hosting a variety of plants for ecological, medicinal, and nutritional purposes. Not only endemic to Alaçatı but also medicinal herbs make this region a significant center for both taste and healing tourism. Here are the most popular and healthy 20 herb types of Alaçatı:

    1. Arapsaçı (Wild Fennel): Known for its anise-like aroma, this herb makes a unique salad when mixed with lemon and olive oil.
    2. Cibes: These cabbage sprouts areused in salads and dishes, recommended for skin beauty.
    3. 3. Dağlama (Koyungözü): A member of the daisy family, this herb is featured in salads and mixed herb sautés.
    4. Deli Kereviz: Found along coastlines and dry slopes, this herb is served boiled in salads or as a main dish.
    5. Deniz Börülcesi: A coastal herb, known for its salty and sour taste, commonly used in salads.
    6. Ebegümeci: Rich in protein and vitamin C, ebegümeci is used in salads, sautés, and various dishes.
    7. Eşek Helvası: Served warm with olive oil and lemon sauce, this herb is also known for its oniony dish.
    8. Gelincik Otu: Its lower leaves are added to salads, and it’s used in jams and syrups during winter.
    9. Hardal Otu: Mustard herb mezze is served with a sauce of garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice after boiling.
    10. Hodan (Ispıt): Famous for its egg scramble, this herb was used as a courage enhancer in ancient times.
    11. İğnelik: With a strong aroma, this herb is indispensable in salads and pastries.
    12. Kaya Koruğu: Grown near seaside rocks, it’s used in salads and dishes.
    13. Köremen: A wild garlic variety, beneficial for heart and vascular health.
    14. Radika: Served with olive oil and lemon after boiling, recommended against colds.
    15. Stifno: A staple of Cretan cuisine, collected before flowering.
    16. Su Teresi: Typically grows near water and is mostly used in salads.
    17. Şevketi Bostan: Rich in vitamins and minerals, preferred in olive oil dishes and salads. Its dish with bone-in lamb meat is also famous.
    18. Tilkişen: A wild asparagus variety, its fresh shoots are used in sautés to boost the immune system.
    19. Turpotu: Usually boiled and made into a salad with olive oil and lemon. Its scrambled version, with or without eggs, is also popular.
    20. Zahter: Known as black thyme or mountain thyme, essential in salads and breakfast sautés. Famous for its kidney health benefits and wound-healing properties.

Alaçatı, with this variety of herbs, not only enriches its culinary culture but also plays a leading role in the fields of healthy living and natural nutrition. Each of these herbs, unique in its own right, is considered a part of the region’s rich gastronomic heritage and offers a different taste experience to visitors. The Alaçatı Herb Festival celebrates this richness as a cultural and gastronomic feast, welcoming thousands every year. This festival aims to not only present delicious dishes but also to spread awareness of healthy and natural nutrition.


This 2-day tour offers the opportunity to explore the unique beauties, historical, and cultural riches of Çeşme and Alaçatı. The Alaçatı Herb Festival is a perfect chance to experience the local flavors and traditional lifestyle of the region. This journey promises an unforgettable experience both visually and in terms of taste.

Day 1: Journey from Istanbul to Çeşme

  • Start with a Night Journey: Departure from designated points in Istanbul, embarking on a pleasant overnight bus journey to Çeşme. During the journey, the guide shares interesting information about Çeşme and Alaçatı.

Day 2: Discovering Çeşme and the Alaçatı Herb Festival

  • Early Morning Arrival in Çeşme and Breakfast: Arrival in Çeşme early in the morning. Breakfast at a restaurant featuring unique flavors of the Aegean (extra).
  • Çeşme Tour and Historical Discoveries: Post-breakfast, a tour begins to explore Çeşme’s historical and cultural riches. Visits include the Çeşme Castle built in 1508, the scenic Çeşme Harbor, and the Aya Haralambos Church, initially constructed as a Russian Orthodox place of worship. Free time in Çeşme Bazaar for shopping and exploring local life.
  • Travel to Alacati and the Herb Festival: After the Çeşme tour, the journey continues to Alaçatı. Alaçatı’s historic and colorful streets, unique stone architecture, and windmills are captivating. During the midday, visitors have the chance to watch the vibrant and spirited procession of the herb festival. The festival showcases a variety of herbs gathered by the locals and offers a taste of local flavors. Free time in Alaçatı’s narrow streets is perfect for photography and shopping.
  • Overnight Stay at a Hotel: In the late afternoon, head to the hotel for an overnight stay. This offers a great opportunity to reflect and discuss the day’s experiences.

Day 3: Tour of Izmir, Ephesus, and Şirince; Return to Istanbul

  • Visit to the Ancient City of Ephesus: After breakfast at the hotel, the journey leads to the historic Ephesus Ancient City. Ephesus, one of the most important cities of the ancient world, takes visitors on a time travel with its Buluterium, Odeon, Domition Temple, Celsus Library, and grand theater.
  • Discovery of the House of the Virgin Mary and Şirince: Following the visit to Ephesus, the tour proceeds to the House of the Virgin Mary, a site of both historical and spiritual significance. Then, the journey continues to Şirince, a village hidden among olive groves and vineyards, famous for its wines. Here, visitors have free time for local wine tasting and exploring the village’s authentic atmosphere.
  • Return Journey and Farewell: After the free time in Şirince, the journey back to Istanbul begins.

This comprehensive tour program highlights the unique blend of cultural and gastronomic experiences that the Alaçatı Herb Festival and the surrounding region offer. The festival itself is not just a culinary event; it’s a celebration of natural beauty, tradition, and healthy living, making it a memorable experience for all who attend.

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